Notizie Profilo Società Prodotti Assistenza Partner Contatti
Environment & Development

Application to the Venice Lagoon


Development and Analysis Tools
MefLag uses two different application packages, the PreProcessor PreM2d and the PostProcessor PstM2d , both operative in MicroStation environment, to make as easy as possible data input procedures (PreM2d) and to analyse results (PstM2d).  
Characteristics of PreM2d
  • It allows exporting the network by means of ASCII files with internal proprietary format GMF, for a rapid and manageable interchange with other computer systems.
  • With the aid of suitably prepared libraries, it allows for a rapid, simple and intuitive input of the finite and boundary elements.
  • It allows assigning automatically the depths of the finite elements on the basis of the point seeding related to empirical depth measures.
  • It manages different types of visualization with the possibility of creating thematic maps related to different geomorphometric characteristics of the hydrodynamic system.
  • It allows modifying in any moment the system easily and quickly, adding or eliminating elements or modifying their characteristics.
PostProcessor PstM2d:
  • It analyzes the mathematical models' simulation results allowing for the comparison among different load conditions.
  • It allows for the creation of level curves as well as for the representation of velocity fields on the whole surface of the hydrodynamic system.
  • It represents the hydrodynamic variables' graphs evaluated at different hydraulic elements, boundary elements and control points
  • It allows the creation of reports that can be printed or directly fed into Excel documents.

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