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The applied package, formed by the union of four different mathematical models, allows to determine the most economic configuration of a distribution network, the extension and the adjustment of a network already realized, to manage the network at the maximum SCADA level from the control center, to analyze the transient motion phenomena due to the manoeuvres effected on valves and pumping.

Particular attention has turned to the development of a series of programs able to follow the operators in the practice management of the water network, furnishing essential indications on the decisions to undertake in case of unforeseen event or accidents.

Through the collection, the reading and the elaboration of the deriving data from the monitoring apparatuses located in the critical points of the network, HydNet allows to appraise statistic parameters to create files and databases. HydNet constitutes, in conclusion, a kind of expert system, able to maintain under control, in any instant, the whole system of the water pressure network.

Tools of Representation:
  • HydNet allows to develop the network on two different levels of graphic representation, that of the principal network, within a geographic informative territorial system GIS and that of the schemes of the plants (pumping stations, reservoirs, wells, springs…). Particularly the detailed representation of the plants, real neuralgic centers of the general hydraulic system, results essential to effect the control and the management of the network using the mathematical models.
  • Through a special database HydNet maintains “intelligent” connections among the different levels of representation, the network and the single plants.
  • HydNet furnishes numerous functions that allow to modify the layout and the configuration of the network with extreme simplicity, introducing new nodes or vertexes to the pipelines, cancelling, copying or moving groups of elements, always assisted by powerful commands for the elements' selection.
  • In case of errors in data introduction, HydNet allows to return to the original situation, allowing a long series of undo operations.
  • HydNet allows to assign with simplicity the hydraulic conditions to the boundary elements and the characteristics of the materials to all the hydraulic elements in a simple and fast way using a special archive of the materials.
  • In HydNet are present numerous options of visualisation of the network according to opportune chromatic scales of representation, modifiable by the user. With the preprocessor it is possible to visualise physical properties of the network as the type of material, the diameters, the demands, the frictions, the altitudes, while with the postprocessor the hydrodynamic characteristics as the flows in the pipelines, the velocities, the pressures and the HGL are visible.
Sharing of the Data:
  • HydNet connects the hydraulic network to a territorial GIS, to a SCADA, or to other data in any format. The management of the territorial references is extremely efficient.
  • HydNet imports set of existing data in Dxf format from other informative territorial systems over that, obviously, from preceding versions of the program.
  • HydNet converts lines, polylines or existing blocks from the CAD of importation in hydraulic elements perfectly compatible with its own representation format.

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